Altogether is a movement and network that deals with issues that concern everyone. On each topic, we aim to be altogether realistic, clear, truthful, practical, resolute, and persistent.
Quality of Life
Altogether supports and
promotes a rising
quality of life
for everyone equally.
Quality of life is not the same as standard of living. It depends on freedom, empowerment and fulfilment, friendship and fun, much more than on wealth and income.Quality of life must rise for everyone, or it will fall for someone. The lowest should rise faster, so that the quality-of-life gap decreases rather than increasing. Necessities of life and threats to the environment are of primary importance — followed by actions that help us flourish.
is made up of people who volunteer as convenors, witnesses, or presenters, with others providing art, editing, or tech support. Anyone can get involved, in a way that suits you and on a topic that is important to you.3
Scope and Links
Altogether includes the
whole of human life
and activity, because
everything is linked.
Altogether Topics
are picked for their potential benefits in our lives. We link to any and every organisation, group or club that is active in raising our quality of life. This is Altogether U.K., and everyone in this country is included.Our quality of life in the long term will depend on the direction we take now. The Altogether vision looks to the future, short and long term, to make sure we take the right track now, and stay on it.
are individuals or teams who bring together everything and everyone needed for one Altogether topic. We are seeking convenors for many of the topics. Anyone can become an Altogether convenor, provided you can cooperate with other convenors to ensure harmony in aims and coordination in action across various topics.3
Truth and Trust
We want everything
we publish to be 100%
reliable, accurate,
clear, and honest.
First Task
Nothing that Altogether stands for or aims for will work if it is based on misinformation and lies. Our first task is to find and share the truth on every topic, from basic essentials to the broad overviews in our Insight topics.We believe genuine, open-hearted friendship is the solution to many social and personal problems. True friends do not lie to each other or con or scam each other. We tell the truth, kindly, and we trust each other.
who wants to work with Altogether needs to share our most fundamental values. Honesty and accuracy are two of the most important. They are the hallmarks of Altogether communications. We have no place for conspiracy theories or baseless misinformation.We welcome people of all backgrounds and opinions, particularly if you are flexible and friendly, open-minded, trustworthy, and tolerant.
Crisis & Transition
The rate of change of
technology and society
is increasing, leading
to a multilayered crisis.
Mission & Vision
A huge transition for the human race has already started. Artificial intelligence and genetic technology, combined with other advances, are set to completely change us and the world we live in.The mission of Altogether is to navigate a path through this transition and ensure we survive the crisis. We want human values, cultural traditions, love and laughter and creativity to flourish far into the future.
of what the future may hold, Altogether will persist in advocating and pursuing the right path. If you agree with this approach, we may be able to work together, helping our species and others to survive and flourish beyond any crisis or transition.3
Humane Values
To survive the transition,
we need to be guided
by the highest human values.
Verture: Vertical Nurture
The transition could lead either to a beautiful future or to a dark dystopia. Where we arrive depends on the values that guide us. These come from our nature as intelligent social mammals, who care for our young and live together in groups, in balance with nature.Altogether considers our nurturing instinct — for our children, each other, animals and plants — to be key in navigating the coming transition successfully.
to these values? Consider helping the Altogether movement as a convenor, witness, presenter or artist, contributing to a topic that is important to you.3
Self-sufficiency and
local autonomy within
a fully sustainable
cyclic economy.
Recycle and reuse
In the very long term,
nature recycles everything.
We have to become
a cooperative part of
this natural recycling,
rather than fighting
or dominating nature.
Ultimately, we need
to develop a fully
sustained cyclic economy.Altogether encourages local solutions implemented by autonomous regions, initially in the U.K. Internationally, we are happy to cooperate with any independent movements aligned with our values and aims.
A cyclic economy
is part of the vision of Altogether, which sees us becoming dynamic interacting civilisations contrained by universal values. We start at the local level and work outwards.Convenors work with local government, volunteer groups, and companies to advocate and promote our aims and actions on every topic at the regional level. Groups and societies are listed under 10 regions in the UK. We invite groups to contact us and be registered in our database from all parts of the country.
Altogether Topics: Necessities of Life
Friends are vital to our quality of life and communities.
Homelessness and house building, buying and renting.
Where your food comes from, and how it gets to you.
Clean water supply and waste water treatment.
Standard of living and quality of life — how they are linked.
Standard of living and quality of life — linked or separate.
Altogether Topics: Quality of Life
Physical and mental health, treatment, and preventative care.
Personal, local, and national security — living safely.
Gaining greater understanding, knowledge and skills.
Child protection, nurture and encouragement.
Race, ethnicity, age, gender, orientation, faith, and language.
Care, support, health, and longevity for an aging population.
Altogether Topics: Flourishing Life
Every kind of sport and exercise, everywhere in the country.
Every kind of music, from classical to the latest popular hits.
Performing arts, from school or local drama to film-making.
Writing, reading, book clubs, and all narrative arts.
Visual arts of every variety, from costume to sculpture, ...
Making healthy and delicious meals for our quality of life.
Growing food, flowers, foliage in beautiful and productiive gardens.
Altogether Environmental Topics
Sources and means of transporting energy now and in future.
Wildlife and wilderness in the U.K. and the surrounding region.
Truth, plans, and actions related to climate change.
The circular or cyclic economy, ecosystem and world.
Measuring, preventing and cleaning up pollution and waste.
Accurate and reliable information
Reality Check
Fact-checking, disinformation red flags, and warnings.
Scams & Fakes
Verify, report, and check deepfakes and scams here.
Validation and checks of Artifical Intelligence, now and in future.
"Garbage in, garbage out."
Background, people, principles, mission, vision, and words.
Altogether Insight Topics
What we are, where we came from, and where we are going.
The miraculous life-forms and ecosystems of our unique planet.
What is important to us now and for the future — and why.
Events and changes in history that shape how we live today.
Group beliefs and traditions: religious and cultural identity.
Brain, mind and consciousness, human and beyond.
What we are made of: cells and molecules, atoms and fields.
What we are part of: planet, solar system, galaxy, and universe.
The unique planet that is home to humanity and all of life.
Our neighbourhood in space, and prospects for development.
Artificial intelligence: the facts, and possible future paths.
The pace of all change is increasing: what are the implications?